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  • Cloud Smart

    Cloud Smart

    There is a technological revolution happening right now that nobody talks about and even fewer know about. This is an advancement that rivals many of the world’s past accomplishments since the dawn of the technological age. By the year 2020 almost 90% of businesses will use the Cloud in some form or another. Many still ask what is the cloud? The Cloud is many things -to some it is a metaphysical world, a world that provides a haven for information, maybe it’s also a world that keeps our secrets. In reality , the Cloud provides system resources on demand with storage and computing power at the users request. What is this big leap forward with the use of the Cloud?

    The Cloud separates your software  from your hardware so all you need is an access point (your desktop, laptop, smartphone or even a smart television). One example of the benefit of the Cloud: a doctor can access large databases to care for their patients. This helps in two ways. First, the doctor doesn’t incur a large technology expense, which reduces costs for patients. And second, the doctor can gain seldom used high end software and information to more accurately diagnose the patients.

    Software can become more complex as it can access components from various Cloud sites, including previously developed code to integrate with new concepts. In this way, large strings of code can be written with just a minimal amount of hardware. The true age of AI will emerge with the help of the Cloud.  The ability to collate the enormous amount of data required to take the next leap in new intelligence created will require the Cloud.


    Less than 25% of software developers are creating software using the cloud. By the year 2020 almost 90% of businesses will use the Cloud in some form or another.

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